why what you want matters

insight practice stories Nov 19, 2022

When is the last time you tried to connect with your own heart and what you truly want for your life? It's harder to do than it seems but it is a powerful practice I hope to help you understand in this one post. Take a moment to ask yourself now in whatever way feels right to you: what is it you want at your core?

Ok... I'll go first, what do I really really want? What is it that keeps me devoted to my practice and aspiring toward my unique purpose?

I want to live in a world with more soul.

I know I'm doing well when I am centering my actions around this deep core desire. Connecting to my heart's desire is how I started to make choices that cleared away obligations and trauma patterning from the past. It's how I cultivated a discernment about right action for me in my life. It's why I teach and work with people to create a life they love on a soul level. 

Maybe you are finding that feeling like 'I should do that'  isn't creating the consistency you expected of...

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how to escape a tyrant

insight stories Oct 27, 2022

Hit play above to listen in on a weekly Establish a Practice Breathwork and Meditation Challenge call to hear how my yoga practice helped me finally escape from a tyrant! It isn't often known how deep and rich the teachings on meditation are in the yoga tradition. I'd like to change that by sharing my experience of escaping my own inner tyrant by following the map that yoga offers us to work with our mind, not from it.

I hope hearing about what I've experienced from my efforts to create a healing yoga practice for myself can give you an idea of how much you can learn about yourself and how to reclaim your own attention through a devoted yoga practice. 

Are you ready to commit to breathwork and meditation practice that will support you and your mental health this holiday season and for a long time to come?  Join my Establish a Practice Challenge where I teach you step-by-step to take your meditation practice from 'sit there and take it' or...

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Stressed Out Humans Talk

insight practice stories Jun 16, 2022
Jayme Sweere
Stressed Out Humans Talk

This is a one hour experiential and motivational session was specifically for nurse educators in Springfield MO. I customize each talk to be as relevant as possible for the audience!

You can learn more about my yoga therapy programs and workplace sessions at this link or book a call with me directly below. 


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step confidently into whatโ€™s next...


Have you ever been to Sedona Arizona? One of my favorite parts about being there is the way the red rocks feel. I’d like to invite you to join me for a free practice that gives you a taste of what that’s like—even at a distance.  

The sequence we’ll do is super short and only includes a few poses: corpse pose, mountain pose, and a brief opportunity to try tree pose. Most of you are already pretty familiar with these postures, but we’ll approach them differently by focusing on the earth element and specific activations of the feet and legs to help you cultivate steadiness and stability. 

We’ll pay attention to thoughts and sensations and breathe as wide and deep as canyons. Maybe afterward you’ll see why I just can’t seem to stay away from this mysterious place. Or maybe you’ve already been and you also feel the call return. Speaking of which, I have a little story to share about my last visit . . .

In 2020, I was...

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Liminality & Retreat

insight stories Nov 22, 2021

Liminality speaks to the times of transition, the space between. It could be transitions of day, the season, a job, or the space between who we are now and who we are becoming. 

I first fell in love with liminality in the early mornings at the retreat center that I worked for and lived at. In the mornings before dawn, many people gathered for meditation and prayer. Everyone respected the silence of those mornings and we would walk through shadowy halls to get our morning tea then head to the meditation hall to chant and ‘sit’. I got to know everyone’s profiles, their shadowy outlines. This represented to me the shadow self that we are learning to integrate through bringing the conscious attention of practice to the liminal spaces of our life.

This ritual of the liminal happened at the transition of the day, every day, and it became the stabilizing force in my life for a time and now my love affair with the liminal continues on. It takes the shape of simple...

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Why A Blog

stories Nov 14, 2021

When you traverse any area for the first time, it is wise to get a trusted guide. This way, you can quickly and easily become aware of all the things you could not have known about that will create difficulty. Someone to share your experience with and help you navigate what can only be known through experience.

So it is with the path of yoga, you need a guide. Someone who has walked the path before and has studied the lay of the land and developed their own way of practicing that they can share with you.

It is my goal to offer my experience through this blog as a guide to learning more about what it is like aim your life towards fulfillment and ease, which are at the heart of a yoga practice.

In my life, I have been drawn to study wisdom traditions in an immersive way. Initially what drew me to yoga practice was that it met me physically. It was at a time and place where I needed to relearn how to exist in my body after years and years of pounding on basketball courts and demanding...

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